Saturday 4 April 2009

No Action From Bloggers

You will notice I haven’t posted so regular for a while, I have my doctors note, actually a mixture of work and workman digging a hole almost were my pc is. But I noticed that the blogging community is very quiet in general: Pete Ashton, blogged today first time for ages. Stef Lewandowski hasn’t posted for over a month. So I’m in good company.

Retirement with No Problem has also been quiet although this is because the boat is having a refit and they are not on the narrow boat at the moment so nothing to blog about. However, they have had technical problems too. When I tried to access the blog I found a red screen saying that the site was blocked by Google yet when I access through Googles own Google Reader I’m able to access the site as normal. Google claims the site has been attacked by a third party infecting the site with “malicious mailware”. The blog has now been transferred to Blogger. This sent shivers down my spine and I’m now involved in backing every page of “You Will Never Look at Them in the Same Way Again”.

One blog that is updated every day is Pete's 'Today In History' Quiz, Pete appears on the BBC 2 quiz show “A Question of Genius” Monday 6th 4:30 pm

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